Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Verse of the Week

I wanted to start a little area where I shared a verse with you all that I currently love and am either writing, praying, singing or just living in general. I have had such a year growing in and out of Christ. I say growing in and out because I sometimes have moments where I feel so distant from God that I can't believe He would ever forgive me or accept me back.. and then I am encompassed by His love and unfailing forgiveness. It's insane, humbling and so very amazing to feel. 
So I wanted to share this verse that I've had on my heart for the last few months, especially since moving into my own place and separating myself from a relationship gone bad. 
found on Pinterest 

Psalm 46:5 
God is within her, she will not fall. 
God will help her at daybreak. 

It's a good reminder of God being there with me, that at the beginning of my day He is there. I really would like to take my mornings and spend time with Christ, but I find myself getting up at 615 and barely having time for work. I do read She Reads Truth while at work and that's actually a really good read, study and all over awesome! It doesn't give me a lot of time to reflect, but I enjoy it. 

What's a verse that you'd like to currently share? I am always a fan of people sharing these types of things, so comment away! 

PS, if you have something you need to have prayed over please let me know! You can either comment me or email me at hellolovelyblogATgmailDOTcom. 
-I should probably add a contact button or tab-
Have a great day! 

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