Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Living for Him

So.. lets talk faith, lets get down to the nitty gritty of faith.. 

So I am Christian, this meaning I follow Christ and fully believe He died for me. 
Do I always live up to the sacrifice He made? Nope, not even close.
Do I constantly mess up and have to ask for forgiveness? Yes, all.the.time 
So what exactly is the nitty gritty? 

...coming to terms with the fact that I slipped into my old ways
drinking, cursing, no modesty and yes... being the ultimate sinner, living a life that Christ wouldn't like. 
Boom, there I was the other day (lets say December when Jessica came home) and here is my beautiful friend, giving her all to Christ and letting Him take her sins, take her hurt and just being overjoyed with the fact that HE IS! I start thinking. Contemplating. Praying. 
These prayers led me to Fresh Start.
Fresh Start led me to coming clean about sins, feeling like He was calling me and tugging on my heart.. 
and that led to me wanting to worship HIM to constantly praise HIM and to live my life for HIM. 
Why? Because my family looks "down" (it seems that way to me, my family has never really been on board with my faith) on it.
A is almost there, but questions it 
and my past should keep me from Him, but it doesn't. 

So here I am, opening myself up for ridicule, for those who say "she's at it again" that my faith is shallow, like myself, and that I'm doing this for the attention. But I truly feel that I am turning a page, beginning anew and wouldn't be able to do that without His grace & mercy. 
But if anyone would like to help along the way, be my friend or sister in Christ, please ... don't hesitate. I am unable to go to my church, hopefully that changes soon! but I am always up for fellowship and if you're in Washington we should meet up for coffee.. because I need friends with similar faith and that's what I feel is important on this road. 


Unknown said...

Hey girl, I live too far away for coffee etc, but I have been feeling the pull to do something to make my way back to my religion. Your strength and courage to share your journey helps my resolve!

Unknown said...

AW! I had no idea I helped start this in you. I'm humbled, and we definitely need more J&A time. Plus my kid's cool so yeah. If you're able to join Stacey and I on Sundays at 10:15, Wednesday nights at 7:00 or Saturdays at 1:00 then you are more than welcome to jump in with us at CCC! (Even if Andy is gone you can do our Marriage Group that I was telling you about!)
Text me!