Friday, March 6, 2015

5 Things | You my boo!

 It's that time again, time for you all to know 5 reasons I love this man. 

1. We had a pretty interesting week or so right? I like that even when life throws curve balls that I can rely on you. I might get stressed and freak out inside, but you calm that down in about 2.5 seconds. BALLER!
2. Did I mention you're a baller? You took care of me while I was in a butt load of pain and that means a lot. Coffee and breakfast in bed? CHECK. 
3. You "push" me out of bed in the morning and gently remind me to get up. Thank you. 
4. My coffee mugs are always clean and you don't mind doing the laundry. 
5. You make my heart happy. It's the craziest thing to have someone that mid-day stops and makes you so happy your heart might burst and he's that person for me.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello, hello!

Normally I am all about getting blog posts up before the end of the weekend, but Sunday caught me off guard with a crick in my neck which made me a little less than happy. I was a grump.

So this week I took a bit of a break, but don't worry! I have loads of things to post about next week. Among them will be a fresh 48 session, homecoming or two (YAY MILITARY), newborn, families and a few engagement sessions!

If you do miss me, you can always find me on instagram or snap chat for those of you who are nerds like me (acaciaduh)

See you next week!